Students are offered PE, Art and Music on a rotation. They will have specials one time per day and STEAM one time per week.
P.E. - Physical Education
In this class students work to develop skills in: Safety, Personal Fitness, Coordination, Fine Motor Skills, Personal Awareness, and making Healthy Choices. Activities include individual sports, team sports, games, equipment use, healthy eating, tobacco prevention, and more.
We participate in Field Day, have activities such as the Turkey Trot and Bike to School Day. We spend time outside as well as in the gym, where we have a wide variety of equipment for students - from trampolines to cup stacking and jump roping.
For more information check out our PE Schedule here
To allow students access to both art and music, Bishop Elementary shares art and music teachers with Charles Hay Elementary.
In art, we focus on exploring multiple mediums while building skills in different art-making techniques. Students use the room like a studio space, in which they are able to to choose what mediums they work best with and what they woul like to create. Students will work with paint, collage, textiles, and 3-D.
For more information, check out our art schedule here.